Our Service

  1. To obtain family register (Koseki, Joseki,etc).
  2. To create your family tree.
  3. To obtain land register and cadastral map.
  4. To show your original place by using Google Earth.
  5. To make contact with your relative who lives in Japan.
  6. To visit your ancestor's graveyard and show you the photograph.
  7. To translate past Japanese document into English.
  8. To obtain aerial photograph of your ancestor's land in the past.
  9. To locate the person you are looking for.
  10. Other relevant search.
About Us

We "MURO Co., Ltd." specialized in genealogical search from Japan.

We established to dedicate efforts to genealogical search for people all over the world. We would like to assist your need in Japan and we would like to be a Global Path to Japan in the globe.

We are one of the member of Association of Professional Genealogists.

How may I assist you ?

If you have any questions or interest in our services,
please feel free to contact us.

© 2015 MURO Co., Ltd.